Hello students, here you have your homework.
Write a short text about yourself called How do I look? Look back at the text in page 106 and consider these questions.
1. What kind of information is mentioned?
2. What features make the language sound spoken rather than written?
Decide what you want to say and how you want to say it. Write your article. There should be three paragraphs, each of about 40 words
Use inversion (Q2) and do it well, if you don't use inversion, it isn't worth.
12 comentarios:
Andre Muñoz Gamarra ADVANCE V
How do I look ?
Since I started my adolescence, I started to worry how I look. Some years ago, I just was worried for take a shower and smelt good, and of course, no way could I leave my house without put me my cap.
With the pass of the years, Never could I go to school without look me my face, revise my hair, and sometimes put I cologne on my cheeks and in my body but rarely bought I fashion clothes.
Nowadays , rarely can I leave my house without comb my hair, to wear fashion clothes, and to smell good. In spite of that I dont very tall, not thin and so handsome, I like to have a good apperance, the better that I can.
Rarely does a person talk about how much he or she likes to care his or her image and as it does. I think that, it is perceived and judged by people around you, and often plays an important role, but not necessarily reveal the kind of person one is.
In my case, I'm a simple girl, I do not do many problems when I have to show in public, but if I look like my appearance, but nothing bordering on obsession.
I love exercise, preferably aerobic, if time permits me, and I eat healthy and try to maintain a good weight, however i keep eating what I like.
Besides, when I take my daily bath, I like to take my time to care my skin with an exfoliation and moisturizing face and body creams.
I like to take care of my feet and have my nails painted with bright colors to make contrast with the pale complexion of my skin too.
With respect to accessories, I combine the shape and size, and it keep relate between the color and type of clothing that I use.
Never had I prefered formal clothes, i like casual such as: jeans,skirts ,shirts, blouses, etc. The shoes should not have high heels because I'm tall.
Am i not a follower of fashion because many times not everyone is like the same clothes.
In that respect i'm a practice person: no sooner had i fit any new clothes,and if something looks good and I like, i buy it.
Cinthya Tirado Morales
Well I’m a simple person. But if I try to remember how I was before I could say that I was very obsessive with my look.
Well In the beginning when I was in school, rarely had I though in my look and if I try to remember again I did this just for parties.
Only later did I try to look good that was when I began to go to the university.
I began to buy clothes in fashion and no way could I leave my house without makeup. On no account did I leave to go to the gym and also to take care of my nails; I had to go to the manicurist. If I think about that I wasted a lot of money.
Later with the pass of the time I change. In my profession I began to know that are people who are very poor and they don’t have enough money to pay for their medicine and so many people die, never had I thought about that until that moment; I fell so terrible so I began to think about this people.
Now I’m more realistic I try to think in this people so rarely bought I clothes with high price but I try that the clothes look cute.
I try to use clothes that make me feel good and made the people don’t fell uncomfortable with my presence.
Hi my name is clariza sanchez ,for me is important how i looked . I am not obsesive toward my body image ,i have a balance ettitude.
I always spent 30 minutes in my routine image usually i wear light colors in my clothes , the colors show your state of mind .
in my on , people who wear black clothes they want to show sadness .
I am strongly agree with people who said imagene is not very important . I think feelings are more important , in the other hand women always have to take care their image .
rarely do i spent more hours in myself so i am always pressed for time
have you want to look greed ,you would keep an eye on your time to go to the hairdressed , if you need a hand before to put a cloth on ,look at a magazine and choose a stile .not only a image try to chanse using diferents combination every day .
on no accound do you need copy a stile that is only a help for look different. I am not pulling your leg that is real.
Daniel Garcia
How do I look?
Two years ago I was smaller than now, but since I started to play basketball, I started to grow moe quickly than ever!, but I have a little problem, I´m thin and weak. I started to exercise, but nothing happened, I was told that my build was like that, so had I resigned.
The time I spend to myself in the mornig is very short, I preffer spleeping before going to school than try to look presentable. I just get up and I take a shower, have breakfast and then I continue sleeping. In the evening rarely do I take less than a half of hour to get ready for the language center. I take another shower, and a litlle nap.
Rarely do I go to the hair dresser, because I like long hair, just when the school mades me I had to. I´m more practical in the way I dress. Just I wear jeans, jackets and suitshirts, in preference red, because is my favorite color.
How do I look?
By Diego Castrillón Norabuena
Since last year, i've been more interested and being worried of how do I look. Montly do I go to the hairdresser or when my school forces me to have my hair cut. Sometimes do I go to bed by 10:30 pm, because sometimes I have to keep doing my homework until that hour, and I get up at 6:10 am and luckily I have time to change of clothes to going to school, have breakfast and wash my face, my teeth because my transport is at 6:40 am in my house.
I’m not so fat but thin neither, although do I not look so fat because of my height, which is more than 1,79 meters I’m sure.
Most of the time do I like wearing T-shirts and jeans, like every teenager does, my favourites colours are black and blue, so most of the time i use them. I like wearing clothes which i feel confortable with. My parents say that I like buying expensive things, such as clothes and food, but I’m not sure about that.
How do I look?
When I was a little kid I was one of them who never used to care how I looked. I just left my mom to dress me like she wanted with colorful dresses, skirts, t-shirts, etc. I didn’t care if I looked like clown because all that I wanted to do was having fun with my friends and played with my toys.
Since I've grown up and became into teenager there’s no way could I leave the house without doing my nails, combing my hair, choosing the correct combination of clothes or making me something special because I’m always worried about what the people says. So I always try to look well.
When I was a kid rarely do my friends told me how good I looked. Never had they seen me like a fashion little girl in my photographs I just only looked simple. But now have I realized that my physical appearance is important too because it describes me how I am. I'm happy with the way I look now.
Lorena Gordillo L.
Advanced V
How do I look ?
Some years ago I rarely do I worried about my personal image. Never had I dressed fashionable clothes and went out with my friends, but since I entered high school I started to worry more about my image.
At this age most people criticize you and you have to be fashionable, or if you like a kid and want to impress you should have a good makeup.
Every morning I shower, and take at least 10 minutes to comb my hair and put all sorts of accessories.No way could I leave the house without puting my ring. And if acne appears it is terrible for me and the skin have to be clean everytime .
I'm lucky that my aunt bought me clothes for fashion and I am grateful to God for everything I have frieze.
Now the image is very important and must be cared to know.Never have you been exesive but it's important because it shows how you feel.
Cecilia Pasco Salcedo ADVANCE V
How do I look?
Well, I have a particular opinion about my style. I cut my hair each five months. I don’t like the haircuts and the hairdressers, because I think that my hair is beautiful and I don’t cut every months like others. And about my face, I don’t like makeup. I am not a tomboy but I hate the makeup. I think that if a person wants to looks pretty the best way is be natural.
Other reason because I don’t like the makeup is because when I go to bed, no sooner do I have time to brush my teeth and go to bed, I don’t have time to clean my face. Always do I feel tired at nights.
But, rarely do I make up. I make up when go to parties.
About the way of get dressed I prefer a modern and simple way. I love my style and everything about me. And I take 30 minutes to get dressed but I take 10 minutes to know what clothes I will wear. This is all about how I look.
tratNelly Cacho A.
How do I look?
Well before I had forteen years old rarely was I worried about my fisical appereance I just thought about my dolls and all that kind of things, things that for a litlle girl were very important.
When I started to grow I strated to noticed what is the importance of looking well, and how the society look at you the way that you dress or what you dress. Only later did I notice I had to worried more about my appereance.
So this is my routine every morning i wake up and did I take less than 30 minutes to take a shower, dress up and eat something, before I went to school.
Then in the afternoon when I have to go to my english clasess rarely did I take 30 minutes, because I dress up very fast I think.
For me the fisical appereance is very important because is the presentation of the person.
Thanks =)...
How do I look?
First of all, i get to say that the image of a person it´s important because is the first impresion you give to the rest of the people.However, on no account do we need to focus excesively in our appereance. Were people to do it, they would be ridiculous.
In my own, the inside is the most important so we have to educate ourselves in values and good manners. We can´t pretend to be just a beautiful face or a perfect body.But, unfortunately a lot of guys don´t understand that.
The ideal person to me is someone who knows how to equilibrate the inside and the physical appereance.
And, about me, I´d say I feel ok with myself. I don´t think neither ugly nor pretty. But what i´m sure about is that i have to thanks God because I don´t have any discapacity. And never had I realised it until I got to write this text. No sooner did I started it than I noticed that.
To conclude, I´d say tha everyone should take care of how they look because it is important they we presentate ourselves for the world.
Claudia Hurtado de M.
How do I look?
Talk about how do I look is not difficult for me, I consider myself a simple girl who is always trying to look well, because I think the image is the first presentation, and is important to keep a good image because it reflex one part of the personality, obviously the principal is to conserve your values, behaviour and all the abilities that make of you a correct person.
In my case, I care of my appearance but I not focus excesively in it. In my diary routine I spend between 30 and 45 minutes with me, because before going out I am thinking in the clothes that I'll use with the proposal of don't waste time. Only when I have meetings I spend lots of time but in general I am very quick.
I like to use colors according with the season, combining the clothing that I use with the accessories, Would I like to have lots of clothes but I don't have money. My preference is for informal clothes, I consider myself: "a jeans girl" and when I have to look elegant I don't feel commode.
Rarely do I paint the nails of my hands because it isn't very large. But in the case of my feet,I care of them painting my nails and I like exfoliate them using creams to keep them soft. Only in some occasions do I use creams for the rest of my body because my skin is soft most of the time.
Something a little curious with me is that I like the mirrors! I see myself at the mirror many times before to let my home. And when I have my own house I'm sure that I will have a lot of mirrors everywhere.
By, Karla Navarro Palacios *:)
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